Tuesday, February 13, 2018

America’s Ski Trails Are Vanishing. This Olympian Has Taken Up the Cause.

Charlie Gay
AP Biology
Mr. Ippolito
Current Events 16
Pierre-louis, Kendra. "America's Ski Trails Are Vanishing. This Olympian Has Taken Up the Cause." The New York Times. The New York Times, 08 Feb. 2018. Web.
I read the article "America's Ski Trails Are Vanishing. This Olympian Has Taken Up the Cause." This article starts off by explaining the impact that global warming has had on ski trails across the United States. For example, Kendra Pierre-Louis wrote, “In the United States, the average time between the last frost of the spring and the first of the winter has expanded by 10 days since the first half of the 20th century.” Louis got most of her information on the topic from olympic skier Jessie Diggins. Diggins is trying to stop global warming because she is worried that her kids will have no snow to ski on once they grow up. Diggins gave examples of the huge decline of snow in recent years. For example, a town in Wisconsin had to cancel the biggest cross country skiing race last year because of lack of snow. Diggins even talked about the downsides of skiing on man made snow. One of her teammates broke his leg because the man-made snow was too fast. Diggins hopes to put an end to global warming. She says, “I’m supporting the carbon fee and dividend solution, because it puts a fee on carbon and returns the revenue to households.” Diggins is hoping that her efforts will allow her kids to be able to ski on actual snow.
This article is very relevant to our society today. Diggins gives us a first hand experience of how global warming has affected her life. We, as everyday people, should take this article as a warning. We should try to do everything that we can to stop global warming. Even the smallest things can help save skiing for everyone. If you like skiing or other winter sports, as I do, this article should connect deeply with you. Something needs to be done to stop global warming. Every year there is less snowfall in the United States most popular ski resorts. This article should serve as a warning to everyone.
I really enjoyed reading this article. One thing that I really liked about this article is that it allowed us to read exactly what Diggins had to say. The author did not change her words at all and I think this allowed us to have a valuable first hand experience. I also liked how this article gave examples of how global warming has affected the earth already. Usually global warming articles talk about the effects hundreds of years down the road and I think that this does not have as strong of an affect on the reader. One thing that I think this article could have done better is they could given more numerical evidence of the decrease in snow. We just had to take Diggins word for it and were not provided with much evidence. I would have liked the article to give actual numbers of the snowfall in certain resorts over the past twenty years or so. Other than that this article was very well written and very interesting.


  1. Timothy Cushman
    Mr. Ippolito
    Ap Biology - Current Events Comment
    2 February 2018
    Current Events #16
    Pierre-louis, Kendra. "America's Ski Trails Are Vanishing. This Olympian Has Taken Up the Cause." The New York Times. The New York Times, 08 Feb. 2018. Web.
    Charlie’s review of the article "America's Ski Trails Are Vanishing” was well written and informative. One aspect of his review that was done well was his summary. He was able to give the reader a great idea of the problem of global warming and how we can tell it is happening. He wrote clearly and in a way that was easily understood. Another part of his review that was well done was his relevance paragraph. Charlie was able to connect the article to everyone stating that it should be a warning of how global warming can affect our lives. Finally, Charlie was able to identify areas that were done well in the article and areas that needed improvement. For example, he stated, “this article gave examples of how global warming has affected the earth already”. He was able to identify how this was unlike many other global warming articles and helped the reader better understand the impact of global warming. Overall, Charlie wrote a very interesting and informative review of the article.
    Despite an overall wonderful review, there were two sections that could be improved upon to make Charlie’s review better. Firstly, Charlie mentions “Diggins gave examples of the huge decline of snow in recent years” however, he does not include any of these examples. It would have been interesting and helpful to have included some of the examples she gave. It would have allowed the reader to better comprehend the magnitude of the decline and given his article credibility by backing it up with data. Secondly, Charlie could have improved his article by defining terms like Carbon Fee and Dividend Program. Without defining this, the reader was left wondering exactly what the plan was and how it worked. These two changes would not only make his article more informative, they would give answers to questions that were left unanswered.
    I chose to read Charlie’s review because of the title of his article. I enjoy skiing and wanted to read about how the trails were vanishing. Through reading this article, I was able to better comprehend how global warming has an effect on many activities we take part in. It was very interesting to read about how our actions can have a large impact on the climate of Earth.

  2. Mia Gradelski
    Mr. Ippolito
    AP Biology C Odd
    Current Event 18 Comment

    Pierre-louis, Kendra. "America's Ski Trails Are Vanishing. This Olympian Has Taken Up the
    Cause." The New York Times. The New York Times, 08 Feb. 2018. Web.

    After reading Charlie’s review on “America’s Ski Trails Are Vanishing. This Olympian Has Taken Up the Cause” I learned many interesting causes that I would’ve never imagined to have occured on the mountains of the United States. At the start of his review, he did a great job outlining what this article discusses and how the “impact that global warming has had on ski trials across the United States.” Here he explains clearly the purpose and debate inside this article. Later, he provides many examples from the text that backs up this new finding of the “lack of snow on mountains.” For example, he states, “Diggins hopes to put an end to global warming. She says, ‘I’m supporting the carbon fee and dividend solution…” Charlie clearly uses evidence to support this underlying problem. Lastly, not only Charlie makes his argument clear with backed up responses from the article, he discusses a few examples that were outside of the article. It was interesting to read a few instances where this problem of global warming is occuring. He states, “For example, a town in Wisconsin had to cancel the biggest cross country skiing race last year because of lack of snow.” Overall, Charlie presents his readers a clear, cohesive, and interesting review regarding a topic that the whole world is facing on their most treacherous and biggest ski mountains.

    Although Charlie has outlined an insightful and argumentative review regarding the ski trails vanishing, at times I did notice flaws in his writing and composition that could have been improved. For instance, in the first paragraph, one spelling mistake that I had picked up on was when he states, “I’m supporting the carbon fee and dividend solution….” Here it makes sense to have “fee” as the word free according to the article. He can resolve this mistake by carefully restating what Diggins mentioned. Along with a spelling mistake, I had noticed a grammar mistake. He writes, “Wisconsin had to cancel the biggest cross country skiing race last year because of lack of snow.” He should’ve written, “because of the lack of snow.” This is due to a rush interpretation of the text and should of read the quote more carefully. Charlie’s weaknesses were very minimalist yet it causes a big impression on readers.

    I learned lots of insightful information after reading Charlie’s review. His review made me wonder about the effects of Global Warming and how the Olympics this week are dealing with these effects. This is the main reason I chose to comment on this review, due to the fascinating events that are taking place in Pyeongchang, South Korea for the Olympics and imagining what the ice and snow conditions are for the athletes. I’ve definitely changed my perception on the world and realized that global warming is due to our pollution and rise in population, which must be addressed across the world.
